If you want to nail down the best X Twitter content strategy for your profile, then you’ve got to have access to the latest information about one of the world’s most popular social media sharing apps.
Let’s take a look at what we think are some relevant Twitter statistics right now, to get you up to speed.
Quick Twitter Statistics for 2024
- 463 million people use Twitter
- 90% of Americans have heard of X Twitter
- Twitter is the 5th most popular phone app
- 8 million people in America use Twitter
- 26% of American adults use Twitter
- 48% of Canadian adults use X Twitter
Exciting Twitter Statistics (2024)
1. Twitter’s Marketing Audience Is at 353 Million
There are 353 million people who are potential leads and clients for brands on X Twitter contributing significantly to Twitter revenue.
This is a huge number of people that you can potentially reach with your brand.
Yes, there are big numbers over on Facebook and Instagram as well, but X formerly Twitter is one of a kind, and a great platform to discover a completely new demographic of people that you can get your content in front of, and hopefully at some point your product or service.
It’s like thinking of (X) Twitter as an industry, and if there are 353 million people that you can potentially connect with around your brand, there is a big slice of the pie up for grabs.
2. Twitter’s User Base Is Set to Grow 4% in 2024
The pandemic has changed a lot, including predictions about how much Twitter will grow in 2022. Now, the figure is sitting at 2.4%.
Who knows what this statistic is going to look like in another year’s time, but generally speaking social media platforms haven’t had too much bad luck throughout the pandemic.
3. 90% of Americans Know What Twitter Is
Even if they don’t use it, 90% of Americans say that they know what Twitter is.
This is an interesting stat because while almost every single American has heard of Twitter and knows what it is, only a small percentage of these people have an account.
It seems that there is a relatively big jump between knowing about (X) Twitter and having a Twitter account for some reason.
4. Twitter Is the 6Th most Popular Phone App
Twitter is ranked 6th in terms of popularity when it comes to being a mobile app.
5. Twitter is 15
Twitter is now 15, having first got its start back in 2006.
Twitter is 15 years old, a stat that might surprise you if you are used to the likes of TikTok, which is only three or four years old at this point.
Twitter is definitely in the OG category when it comes to social media apps, and we think that if it continues its upward trajectory, it will continue to be one of the mainstays for a long time to come.
We think that it has done really well to survive as long as it has, considering how cutthroat the social media industry can be.
6. Twitter Is 7Th for Digital Trust
Twitter ranks 7th out of 9 places for digital platforms that are considered trustworthy. While this might sound good, it’s not – 57% of Americans think that (X) Twitter strongly protects their data.
This means that if you are going to share a lot of personal, sensitive information on the Twitter app, you might want to think twice.
It’s definitely not the worst as this statistic shows, but it’s also definitely not the best, so if you want to conduct business on a relatively confidential level, you might want to opt for LinkedIn, which is considered a lot more trustworthy according to its users worldwide.
7. 7 Million People Who Use Twitter Are in America
That’s 19.4% of Twitter’s total users.
This statistic surprised us, again considering how many people in the States have heard of (X) Twitter. However, it’s still a lot of people, and if you go outside of America, you will realize just how popular the app is around the world.
8. Twitter Grew in Germany in 2020
By 30%, interestingly. There are now 5.45 people in Germany who use (X) Twitter.
This is an interesting statistic because there’s not really that much more information around it to provide a bit more context.
For some reason during the pandemic, a lot of people in Germany decided that Twitter was going to be their main source of communication online, and now there is a big community over there that regularly gets on (X) Twitter.
9. Twitter Is Male Dominated
Twitter has more male internet daily active users than females, with X formerly Twitter stats showing that 70% of Twitter users worldwide are male.
While there are quite a few other social media apps out there that are dominated by females, like Pinterest, Twitter is primarily used by male users at this point in time.
These (X) Twitter statistics might change in the future, but for now, it has been taken over by males and is proving to be a hit with them all around the world.
10. 21% of Adults in America Use Twitter
This percentage has remained relatively consistent over the last few years.
11. Almost Half of Twitter Users Have a College Degree
42% of people on Twitter have been to college and have a degree, and 25% haven’t been to college and don’t have a degree.
This statistic proves that there are a lot of educated people using (X) Twitter, which is perhaps why it has managed to maintain its popularity steadily over the past decade and a half.
Its monetizable daily active usage also highlights the platform’s ability to attract and retain a diverse, engaged audience.
Other apps like TikTok could be in for a similar fate to Vine, simply because it is dominated by teens and children who obviously don’t have a higher education than elementary and high school.
Apps in this arena tend to come and go and don’t have a good stickability rating. However, with Twitter, we think that it is going to stay relatively stable in the future, even if people gravitate towards newer apps.
12. Just Under Half Canadian Adults Have a Twitter Profile
42% of adults in Canada have a X formerly Twitter account.
13. 9% of Twitter Users Are Between 25 and 34 Years Old
This is Twitter’s largest age demographic. The second largest is 35- to 49-year-olds.
This statistic goes with the educated statistic quite nicely to prove that some teens are using (X) Twitter, but it’s mostly millennials at this point – again, people who are more likely to have a college education.
This doesn’t mean that teens don’t like the app, but we think that they are more likely to go for something like TikTok which is a bit more interactive.
14. More Democrats are on Twitter than Republicans
In America, more Twitter users are Democrats than they are Republicans.
15. Almost 100% of Twitter Users Have Other Social Networks
99% of people using X formerly Twitter also use Facebook and Instagram, as well as other social platforms.
If you are a brand, you might want to consider this stat when trying to promote your content.
One of the best things that you can do for your content is to cross-promote it to your other platforms beyond Twitter so that more of your audience can see it.
The good news is that almost all of the people you are trying to target are going to be over there as well, so you’re not going to have a hard time finding them when you get over there.
16. Twitter Is Number One in Japan
Twitter is considered the number one social platform in Japan.
This is quite a surprising stat, and again there is not a lot of context to expand on.
For some reason, Twitter has taken over Japan, and the Japanese seem to like it more than other popular social media sites, like Instagram and Facebook.
17. Twitter Usage Increased During the Pandemic
By 9.6%, to be exact, and this was among American adults.
With a lot of America in lockdown for a lot of the pandemic, it’s no surprise that Twitter usage increased.
It’s fair to say that usage of most social sites increased across the board as the pandemic raged on, as more people were locked away in their homes with access to not a lot but the internet.
18. Twitter Suspended Over 900,000 Accounts During First Half of 2020
Twitter has been on a warpath and suspended 925,700 profiles in the first half of 2020 alone.
We expect this statistic to increase over time as (X) Twitter becomes increasingly more and more vigilant when thinking about the types of accounts that it lets use its platform.
Back in the day, there wasn’t too much concern about who was using X formerly Twitter, and who wasn’t, but now it is highly politicized, and people are on the lookout for content that violates Twitter’s terms and conditions.
19. Only 10% of Twitter Users make Majority of Tweets
If you see a lot of tweets from your favorite (X) Twitter user, then this comes as no surprise as there aren’t too many people that use Twitter to upload content.
They are mostly there to look at other people.
10% of Twitter monthly active users produce 92% of the tweets that come out of America.
20. 5% of American Twitter Users Say Twitter Is Their Favorite Platform
And the social media network that they use most often. Compare this number to 54% for Facebook.
21. 17% of U.S. Twitter users Source Their News from The Platform
And around the world, the number is 12%.
22. 50% of Twitter Users in Canada Get on The Platform Every Day
While 23% get on it every week.
23. Twitter Topics Are Followed by 70 Million Accounts
This is an increase of 40% from the second quarter to the third quarter of 2020.
24. B2B Marketers Used Twitter for Marketing at A Rate of 82%
This means that 82% of B2B marketers capitalized on Twitter for organic content marketing.
25. 27% B2 B Marketers Invested in Twitter Ads
This isn’t a lot, not when it is Twitter compared to 67% for Facebook.
26. 19% of Retail Banks Employ Twitter
19% of retail banks have an online social networking service handle on Twitter to keep on top of their customer rapport.
27. Twitter Ads Reach More than 5% of The World’s Population Over the Age of 13
5.8% to be exact. This isn’t the biggest percentage in social media marketing, but it’s still significant.
28. Twitter’s Advertising Revenue Is Increasing
In 2020, Twitter’s revenue was up by 15%.
29. Ad Engagement on Twitter Is up By 27%
This is increasing, while Twitter’s cost per engagement is down 9%.
30. Ad Carousels on Twitter Saw a 15% Increase in Popularity
On the app, this increase was 24%.
31. The Most-Used Hashtag of 2020 Was #covid19
As you might have already been able to guess. It was used 400 million times.
32. Every Minute There Were 7000 Tweets About Movies or TV in 2020
This means that people are using X Twitter for escapism as much as they are using it for serious topics.
33. 2 Billion Tweets were About Sports in 2020
People still had plenty to talk about with sports in 2020, even though most couldn’t get out and play them.
34. Cooking Tweets Increased 300% in 2020
People filled their time at home with cooking and baking, and the stats proved this on Twitter.
35. The Most Popular Emojis Were the Laughing Crying Face, and The Crying Face in 2020
There were a lot of tears to be had on Twitter, both happy and sad.
36. Twitter Video Views Increased 62% in 2020
Video has made an impact on Twitter and more and more internet users worldwide are focusing on reels in 2024.
- https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-twitter-users-2020
- https://www.edisonresearch.com/the-infinite-dial-2020/
- https://twitter.com/jack/status/20
- https://www.emarketer.com/content/facebook-ranks-last-in-digital-trust-among-users
- https://www.journalism.org/2021/01/12/news-use-across-social-media-platforms-in-2020/pj_2021-01-12_news-social-media_0-04/
- https://socialmedialab.ca/2020/07/13/the-state-of-social-media-in-canada-2020-a-new-survey-report-from-the-ryerson-social-media-lab/
- https://www.emarketer.com/content/asia-pacific-drives-twitter-growth-as-other-regions-plateau
- https://www.emarketer.com/content/podcast-analyzing-twitter-q3-earnings-tiktok-shopify-deal-whether-social-audio-has-future
- https://transparency.twitter.com/en/reports/rules-enforcement.html#2020-jan-jun
- https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/10/15/differences-in-how-democrats-and-republicans-behave-on-twitter/
- https://www.digitalnewsreport.org/
- https://investor.twitterinc.com/financial-information/quarterly-results/default.aspx
- https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2020/09/b2b-industry-benchmarks-budgets-trends-research/
- https://www.gartner.com/en/marketing/insights/daily-insights/the-power-of-negative-reviews
- https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/performance-advertising-on-twitter.html
- https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/insights/2020/spending-2020-together-on-twitter.html
- https://twitter.com/TwitterData/status/1336039397863645185
- https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/video-advertising-best-practices.html