Tweets are fun because you can use a small number of words to make a big impact with your audience. Did you know, though, that you can now include emojis with your tweets as well? This is a great way to keep your audience engaged, and give them something different.

Let’s take a look at how to add emojis to your Twitter feed, through multiple methods so that you can have fun with it whether you’re on desktop or mobile.

Through the Mobile App

emoji button
emoji to your profile

Using the Twitter Website

tweet button
compose tweet
compose tweet emoji
tweet emoji
emoji to your Twitter profile
Avatar photo

Darko Petkov

Darko Petkov is a passionate content writer who believes in the power of words to inspire and inform. With a background in HR and a flair for storytelling, he creates content that captures attention and drives results. Darko’s work spans across blogs, websites, and social media, where he helps brands find their unique voice and connect with the right readers.

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