Twitter Account Locked for Suspicious Activity: How to Solve It

If your Twitter account locked for suspicious activity, it can be frustrating and concerning. 

This often happens when Twitter detects unusual behavior, a potential hack, or a violation of Twitter’s rules. 

But don’t panic; there are straightforward steps to help you regain access and secure your Twitter account from future threats. 

By taking the right actions, you can unlock your Twitter account and continue tweeting safely. 

Read on to learn how to navigate this situation and protect your Twitter account going forward.

Twitter Account Locked for Suspicious Activity: What Does it Mean

Twitter account locked for suspicious activity

When your Twitter account is locked, it means Twitter has temporarily restricted access to it. 

This usually happens when their system detects something out of the ordinary, like logging in from a new device or location, or rapid following/unfollowing of Twitter accounts. 

It can also happen if you try to log in with the wrong password multiple times or if third-party apps connected to your Twitter account act strangely.

The goal is to protect your Twitter account from potential hackers. You’ll need to verify your identity to unlock it. 

This might involve resetting your password, verifying your email, or entering a code sent to your phone.

Common Reasons Why Twitter Locks Accounts

When Twitter detects unusual activity on a Twitter account locked, it often locks the Twitter account to prevent potential security breaches. 

This is done to protect user data and maintain the platform’s integrity. 

Here are the most common reasons why Twitter locks accounts:

1. Suspicious Login Attempts

One of the primary reasons for a locked Twitter account is suspicious login attempts. 

This could happen if there are multiple failed attempts to log in, or if a user tries to log in from a device or location that Twitter’s system doesn’t recognize. 

For example, if someone logs in from a new country, Twitter may flag this as suspicious activity. 

This precaution is taken to prevent unauthorized access and potential hacking attempts.

2. Unusual Account Behavior

Twitter may also lock accounts that show unusual behavior patterns. 

This includes activities such as rapidly following or unfollowing a large number of Twitter accounts in a short time, excessively liking or retweeting posts, or repeatedly posting the same content. 

Twitter’s algorithm can detect these actions, which might indicate spam-like behavior. 

To reduce spam and protect the user experience, Twitter temporarily locks these Twitter accounts until it verifies that the activity is legitimate.

3. Bot-Like Behavior

Accounts that exhibit bot-like behavior are also at risk of being account locked. 

This could involve using automated actions through third-party applications, like automatic liking, following, or retweeting. 

Twitter monitors these activities closely as they are often associated with fake or bot accounts. 

If an account behaves like a bot or uses suspicious third-party tools, it may be locked until the owner can verify their identity and confirm they are not to violate Twitter rules.

4. Potential Security Risks

If Twitter believes an account is under threat or has been compromised, it may temporary Twitter account lock it as a precaution. This situation is often referred to as a security risk. 

For instance, if Twitter detects a sudden change in account behavior, such as tweets that are uncharacteristic of the user, unusual direct messages, or unexpected changes in settings, locking accounts to prevent any malicious activity. 

In this case, Twitter might ask the account owner to reset their password and verify their information to regain access.

What Should You Do If Your Account is Locked?

Twitter account locked for suspicious activity

If you find yourself locked out, here are some steps to take:

  1. Reset Your Password: This is usually the first step. Twitter will send a password reset link to your registered email.
  2. Verify Your Email or Phone Number: If prompted, confirm your identity using the verification link or code sent by Twitter.
  3. Disable Third-Party Apps: Sometimes, third-party apps can trigger a lock. Go to your account settings and disable any suspicious apps.
  4. Follow Twitter’s Instructions Carefully: Twitter might ask you to complete a CAPTCHA or provide additional information to unlock your account.

Pro Tips to Avoid Getting Locked Again

To avoid future account locks, follow these tips:

Different Types of Account Restrictions

Restriction TypeDescriptionHow to Fix
Locked AccountTemporary restriction due to suspicious activity.Reset password, verify identity.
Limited AccountYou can browse but not tweet or retweet; often due to breaking Twitter rules.Follow steps to delete offending content.
Restricted AccountSevere limitations; need more verification or info.Provide extra information to restore access.
Suspended AccountComplete loss of access, usually due to multiple violations or severe issues.Appeal and provide required information.

What to Do if Twitter Doesn’t Unlock Your Account After Following the Steps?

Sometimes, even after you follow all the necessary steps to unlock your Twitter account, you might still face issues. 

1. Wait a Little Longer for the Lock to Be Lifted

If you’ve already tried the basic steps like resetting your password or verifying your identity, the next step is to wait a bit longer. 

Twitter’s system may take some time to process the unlock request and lift the restrictions. In many cases, the lock is temporary and might be removed within an hour or two. 

However, depending on the volume of requests Twitter is handling or the specific reason for your account being locked, this wait time could extend longer. 

It’s frustrating, but sometimes a little patience is all that’s needed.

But what if your Twitter account is not unlocked after a single hour? 

You may try by disabling third-party programs such as Tweetdeck and Hootsuite, etc. and re-enable them after you’re signed in, or you can wait for another hour.

2. Reach Out to Twitter Support for Further Assistance

If waiting doesn’t work and your account is still locked, it’s time to contact Twitter Support. You can do this through their Help Center

When reaching out, be clear and concise in explaining your issue. 

Make sure to provide any relevant details, such as what steps you’ve already taken and any error messages you’ve received. 

3. Check for Suspicious Activity on Your Account

If your account remains locked, it’s also important to check for any suspicious activity that might have triggered the issue. 

Review your account’s activity log for any unauthorized actions, such as logins from unfamiliar locations or changes to your account settings that you didn’t make. 

Additionally, check if there are any third-party apps connected to your account that could be causing the problem. 

How to Prevent Account Locks in the Future?

Twitter account locked unusual activity

Preventing your account from getting locked again involves staying vigilant. Here are some more practical steps:


Getting your Twitter account locked for suspicious activity is inconvenient, but it’s also a wake-up call to improve your online security. 

The process to unlock it might seem tedious, but it’s there to protect your personal information. 

Stay vigilant, follow the Twitter rules, and take advantage of Twitter’s security features like 2FA. 

If you keep running into problems, it might be worth revisiting your online habits or apps that have access to your account.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Twitter account locked unusual activity

How long does Twitter lock you out for suspicious activity?

Twitter typically locks accounts for about an hour when it detects suspicious activity. However, the duration can vary. 

Sometimes, it takes a bit longer, especially if Twitter is handling a lot of similar cases. 

If you’ve tried logging in multiple times or from different devices, it might take a few hours for the system to reset. 

If it takes longer than expected, it’s best to contact Twitter Support to see if there’s a deeper issue.

Why does my Twitter account keep saying suspicious activity?

Your Twitter account may keep flagging suspicious activity for several reasons. 

Common causes include logging in from unfamiliar devices or locations, multiple failed login attempts, or actions that seem automated, like following and unfollowing large numbers of people quickly. 

Twitter’s algorithm is designed to spot behavior that looks like hacking or spamming. 

If you’re getting this message often, check for any unusual login attempts or unauthorized third-party apps connected to your account.

How do I get my Twitter account back from suspicious activity?

To get your Twitter account back after it has been locked for suspicious activity, start by resetting your password. 

Twitter usually sends a password reset link to your registered email. Follow the link and create a new, strong password. 

You may also need to verify your identity by entering a code sent to your phone or confirming your email. 

Make sure you’re using a secure, familiar device, as logging in from unknown devices can trigger another lock.

How to fix a locked account on Twitter?

Fixing a locked Twitter account involves a few steps. 

First, follow the instructions from Twitter: reset your password, verify your phone number or email, and complete any CAPTCHA challenges. 

Next, check for any third-party apps that might be causing issues. Go to your settings and revoke access to any apps that you don’t recognize or no longer use. 

If your account is still locked after doing these steps, reach out to Twitter Support for further help.


Hi! I'm Dimitar Srbinoski, a freelance writer and SEO specialist for Twesocial. I write about technology, social media, and artificial intelligence. My goal is to create interesting and helpful content that people enjoy reading.

10 Responses

  1. I have been unable to log into my account for 11 days which shows am temporarily restricted due to unusual activity and when I try logging in they ask me to verify my number through a call but I never receive any call from Twitter

  2. My account was blocked because i retweet too much. But my account not connected to email yet. How can i unlocked my account? And i cant change my password because i havent connect to the email account.

  3. Unusual activity is vague. What is the Activity? How to correct? Where is the Code that was supposed to be sent for verification? Hoping for answers! Thanks.

  4. My account have been locked they said for unusual behavior and violating Twitter rules when I wasn’t I’m a fan account I actually have fanpage in my bio

  5. im assuming i commented too much in a short period but my account was limited for Unusual Activity even after verifying that i was not a bot and adding my number ( which i had not added till now. ) i dont understand why twitter cant specify how many days it will be limited.

  6. My account was locked for “unusual behavior” (no idea since I didn’t do anything I don’t normally do and have done for five years) and I got the email telling me it was locked. Said to log on to my account or open the app and to find the message telling me it was unlocked and I’d be able to work on getting it unlocked. Problem is, I never see that message appear, no matter what browser, what device, how logging off and on, changing passwords, changing emails, adding a phone number, nothing, so I’m stuck. Real annoying. I wouldn’t mind so much if my feed would still update instead of staying at the last post in my feed when my account got locked.

  7. They asked for a mobile phone number which I don’t have to unlock my account so I was out of luck getting back in. I did open a new account with a new email and a different PC so I will have to tread lightly now.

  8. My account was blocked because i retweet too much. But my account not connected to email yet. How can i unlocked my account? And i cant change my password because i havent connect to the email account….

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